Wolfersberger Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

We conduct our business within the framework of laws, regulations and professional standards together with our policies and standards.  However, we also acknowledge that these standards, laws, regulations and policies do not govern all types of behavior.  As a result, we have developed this Code of Conduct for all Company employees.  This Code is based on our values and it takes them to the next level—demonstrating our values in action and contributing to the Wolfersberger, LLC experience.

Each of us at Wolfersberger, LLC has an obligation to know and understand not only the guidelines contained in the Code, but also the values on which they are based.  Knowing and understanding are not enough.  We also have an obligation to comply with the letter and spirit of this Code and to help others do the same.  As individuals, we are encouraged to raise any issues and concerns through appropriate channels.

While the Code provides a broad range of guidance about the standards of integrity and business conduct, no code can address every situation that individuals are likely to encounter. As a result, this Code is not a substitute for our responsibility and accountability to exercise good judgment and obtain guidance on proper business conduct.  We are encouraged to seek additional guidance and support from those designated as responsible for business conduct matters.  The strength in our organization is the strength in our collective knowledge and the sharing of that knowledge and experience.

Our Core Values

Our core values define who we are.  They are the fundamental beliefs of our company.   They guide our actions and behavior.  They influence the way we work with each other and  the way we serve our clients.

Integrity is the foundation of all we do. We align our actions with our words and deliver what we promise. We build and strengthen our reputation through trust. We do not improperly influence others or let them improperly influence us. We are respectful and behave in an open and honest manner. Thus, the reputation of Wolfersberger, LLC reflects the ethical performance of the people who work here.
We help each other succeed. We are a team, sharing our unique talents to help the clients whom we serve. The diverse thinking and decision making of our people strengthens our team. We respect and value people with different opinions, experiences and backgrounds. We know that by working together, we can produce better results than any of us can achieve alone.
We set and achieve ambitious goals. The quality of our services reflects the pride we take in what we do and what we make possible. We are passionate about people, process and service excellence. We are determined to serve our customers through innovation, continuous improvement, an intense focus on customer needs, and a dedication to meet those needs with a sense of urgency.
Leadership demands courage, vision and integrity. We lead the property management industry by developing unique, high-quality services for our clients and by actively advocating legislative changes to improve the cost and benefits of homeownership in Colorado.

Upholding the Wolfersberger Name

Our clients and colleagues trust Wolfersberger, LLC based on our professional competence and integrity—qualities that reinforce our reputation. We uphold that reputation.

We seek to serve only those clients whom we are competent to serve, who value our service and who meet appropriate standards of legitimacy and integrity.

Respecting Others
  • We treat our colleagues, clients (including board members and the neighborhood residents they serve and represent) and others with whom we do business with respect, dignity, fairness and courtesy.
  • We are committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
  • We try to balance work and private life and help others to do the same.
  • We invest in the ongoing enhancement of our skills and abilities.
  • We provide a safe working environment for our people.


Corporate Citizenship
  • We express support for businesses that are registered with the Better Business Bureau.
  • We act in a socially responsible manner and within the laws in which we operate.
  • We are committed to supporting state and local governmental legislative efforts to improve the economic and quality of life conditions of Colorado metropolitan district.
  • We encourage actions that improve communication and transparency between metropolitan districts and the residents whom they serve.
  • We are committed to supporting state-wide and local efforts to improve the accountability of contractors serving metropolitan districts.
  • We encourage the support of charitable, educational and community service activities.
Behaving Professionally
  • We deliver professional services in accordance with our policies.
  • We offer only those services we can deliver and strive to deliver no less than our commitments.
  • We compete vigorously, engaging only in practices that are legal and ethical.
  • We meet our contractual obligations and report and charge honestly for our services.
  • We address differences of opinion and handle them constructively and professionally
  • We respect the confidentiality and privacy of our clients, our people and others with whom we do business. We comply with applicable laws, and regulations in order to maintain the appropriate degree of confidentiality and privacy.
  • We aim to avoid conflicts of interest. Where potential conflicts are identified, we will either eliminate such conflicts of interest or withdraw from providing services that create such conflicts of interest.
  • It is unacceptable for us to solicit, accept, offer, promise or provide gifts or money to/from any directors serving on client (or potential client) metropolitan district boards.

Our Responsibilities

The Wolfersberger, LLC Code of Conduct defines how we should behave and conduct business in a wide range of settings and situations.  It is the responsibility of each of us to follow the Code of Conduct and Company policies consistently and appropriately and help others to do so. When non-compliance with our Code of Conduct is reported or otherwise suspected, steps will be taken to investigate and, if appropriate, remedy the situation. We are encouraged to report and express our concerns and must do so fairly, honestly and respectfully.  The Company is committed to protecting individuals against retaliation.  Supervisors are responsible for addressing issues that are brought to their attention.

Those who violate the Code or Company policies and procedures will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.  Disciplinary measures will also apply to anyone who directs or approves infractions or has knowledge of them and does not promptly move to correct them.